Choose the appropriate synonyms from the following: (q.no 1 to 3)

1.The young seagull was alone on his ledge.

 a) deny  b) ask c) sill d) way

2.The sight of the food maddened him.

a) enraged b) encouraged c) fortified d) stimulated

3.The seagull failed to muster up courage.

a) dismiss b) separate c) gather d) divide

4.The seagull kept calling plaintively.

a) cheerfully b) easily c) happily d) sadly

5.The seagull's brothers and sister were dozing.

a) loving b) jumping c) sleeping d) shouting

6.Navika Sagar Parikrama was a project undertaken in consonance with the National Policy.

a) violence b) imbalance c) disunity d) agreement

7.The program covered the expedition in five legs.

a) anxious b) effort c) journey d) guard

8.You don't have to use any auxiliary means of repulsion

a) additional b) main c) great d) major

9. She needed an escort

a) helper b) guide c) boss d) money

10.Her accomplishment is great.

 a) accommodation b) achievement c) accordance d) nature

11.He left his ancestral house 29 years ago.

a) ancient b) central c) inherited d) primordial

12.After his father's death, Aditya looked after the business.

a) looked behind b) managed c) locked out d) neglected

13.He stretched himself with eyes dilated.

a) down ward b) widely opened c) disappointed d) closed

14.A portion of the wall had crumbled.

a) broken b) decorated c) painted d) whole

15.He was the spoilt of affluent parents.

a) poor b) affectionate c) wealthy d) penniless

16.The need can be self-ordered by the appliance itself.

a) retailer b) machine c) infinity d) vehicle

17.Technology is a boon to citizens with special needs.

a) curse b) blessing c) discovery d) burden

18.It has made me more independent.

a) self-reliant b) stay away c) indigenous d) important

19.He has a smaller communication aid. It has been mounted on his walker.

a) improved b) fitted c) climb d) removed

20.David will now use his ECO2 to speak in complete sentences with correct syntax.

a) disorder b) symbols c) sentence structure d) chaos

21. Lessons were repeated in unison.

a) memorizing carefully b) shouting loudly

c) repeating correctly d) simultaneous utterance

22.His voice trembled with emotion.

a) reel off b) got in c) look up d) shivered

23.She is in great dread of a scolding

a) beating b) chiding c) punishment d) reward

24.You can imagine how I blushed.

a) pinkness b) gloominess c) sadness d) happiness

25.Children recited the rhymes

a) repeated b) joined c) shout d) sang



1.. The young seagull stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge.

a) border b) edge c) high d) middle

2.His parents circled around raising a proud cackle.

a) humble b) pride c) loud d) extreme

3.The sun was now ascending the sky.

a) descending b) arising c) awakening d) dropping

4.He could not rise exhausted by the strange exercise.

a) tired b) weary c) sleepy d) energized

5.The seagull failed to muster up courage to take that plunge which appeared to him so desperate

a) frantic b) anxious c) hopeful d) panic

6.She did a tremendous task.

a) tiny b) big c) large d) great

7.After the train had left, we have reached the station.

a) behind b) beside c) in front of d) before

8.They worshipped Tara-Tarini for safety and success at sea.

a) danger b) protection c) control d) destroy

9.Sail boat encouraged renewable energy.

a) helped b) assisted c) discouraged d) courage

10.INSV Tarini has advance satellite communication systems for perfect navigation

a) real b) practical c) imperfect d) natural

11.The sun was soothing without much heat.

a)comforting b)annoying c) pleasing d)relaxing

12.Suddenly he stood up.

a) Immediately b) Gradually c) At once d) Abruptly

13.Through the window that had been created we could see the sky.

a) destroyed b) built c) contracted d) caused

14.The children were curious on seeing him.

a) eager b) careless c) interested d) puzzled

15.Sanyal asked why he has such generosity.

a) kindness b) mercy c) crooked mindedness d) charity

16.She made logical ideas.

a) orderly b) analytic c) coherent d) illogical

17.I had the strength to resist.

a) weakness b) calmness c) peaceful d) silence

18.The whole school seemed so strange and solemn.

a) different b) frivolous c) calm d) discipline

19.The village people were sitting quietly.

a) angrily b) silently c) dreadfully d) noisily

20.I want you to be very attentive.

a) attractive b) clever c) inattentive d) mighty

21.So now I’m doing my Maths GCSE. I know my teacher will be proud of me.

a) boastful b) delighted c) pleased d) ashamed

22.It is essential that much of his spare time is spent in the performing arts!

a) leisure b) occupied/ engaged c) available d) free

23. It is essential that much of his spare time is spent in the performing arts!

a)unimportant/inessential b) acknowledged c) compelling d) fundamental

24. It has become a confident and competent communicator.

a) talented b) incompetent/ incapable c) experienced d) accomplished

25.Anything which is below a certain threshold, can be self-ordered by the appliance.

 a) starting point b) end c) refusal d) entry


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